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What You Need to Know Before Undergoing Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is a very popular plastic surgery procedure being done today. This surgery helps to reshape the abdomen, making it look slender and younger. Abdominoplasty or “bum tuck” is basically a cosmetic procedure used to help make the lower abdomen firmer and smaller. The surgery involves the reduction of excess abdominal fat and skin from both the upper and lower abdominal walls to tighten both the fascia and the underlying muscle. This surgery may also be referred to as a tummy tuck.

Many people choose this procedure because they do not want to see excessive fat around their belly, or excessively protruding muscles. Those who smoke often have problems with excess fat around their mid-section. Smokers have a much higher risk of developing diabetes and heart disease than nonsmokers, so they are also candidates for this procedure.

Many smokers decide to have a tummy tuck because their skin around the bellybutton sags and they want to remove that excess fat. After having a tummy tuck, your skin should be tighter and smoother. Your doctor will use instruments to trim excess fat from your abdomen. Abdominoplasty is sometimes performed on people who have a stretched bellybutton or loose skin around the navel. Excess skin can also be removed by using liposuction, a process in which fat is sucked out of your body using a tube.

Before you have a tummy tuck, it is important to take the time to meet with your doctor. During the consultation period, he or she will evaluate your weight loss and medical history. Your doctor may perform a physical exam, but he or she will most likely ask you questions to make sure you are a good candidate for this surgery. After your initial consultation, you will be given details about the procedure and the recovery process. This consultation period is very important because it allows you to decide if you think a tummy tuck is right for you.

Your doctor will assess the size and shape of your abdomen before performing a tummy tuck. He or she will probably use a special digital instrument called a cannula to cut a small incision inside you. The wound is then covered with a clean dressing to help heal. It will usually take about six weeks for the wound to heal and to start to appear visible. However, it does take at least a few weeks for the wound to heal completely, especially if you had to have major surgery.

One of the benefits of a tummy tuck is that it helps you regain a healthy diet after you have your surgery. You will be in a hospital for at least a week and you will need to follow your doctor’s nutrition plan. You will most likely be given food to eat at the hospital but it is important for you to follow your surgeon’s guidelines carefully so that you do not consume more than what you should. You will most likely be given a discharge night and day after your surgery.

Abdominoplasty is performed using a thin tube called a cannula that is introduced inside your abdominal cavity. By moving the cannula back and forth, the surgeon can reshape your abdomen by removing excess fat cells and improving the blood supply to the affected area. This improves the ability of the surrounding tissue to hold fat and prevents it from spilling over into your vital organs and tissues. This improves the health of your abdominal wall and prevents it from becoming weak.

Abdominoplasty can also be performed on people who are considered to be morbidly obese. Smoking impairs the body’s ability to obtain the nutrients it needs. The excess pounds of smoking causes arteries to harden, which decreases the blood supply to the lungs and greatly reduces abdominal muscle strength. To minimize the complications that smoking can bring about, you should consult your surgeon and stop smoking immediately before your procedure.

Tummy Tuck: Recovery and Complications

Abdominoplasty is an operation generally done for cosmetic reasons. Abdominoplasty is the medical name given to the surgery, but it is commonly called “the tummy tuck”. Abdominoplasty or simply “tummy tuck” refers to an abdominal cosmetic procedure which is used to help make the abdomen more firm and thinner. The operation involves the surgical removal of extra skin and fat from both the upper and lower abdomen so as to tighten both the fascia and the muscle of the lower abdominal wall.

Before an operation can begin, doctors perform an initial consultation with the patient. During this time they will examine the medical history of the patient, learn about his or her preferences in clothing and cosmetics, and even the areas of swelling most severe. The doctor may ask the patient to undergo a series of physical examinations to ensure that no underlying medical conditions are causing the swelling or deformity. This includes tests such as the use of drainage tubes to determine whether or not the patient has severe varicose veins or liver problems. If the doctor finds any such abnormalities, he or she may recommend surgery.

After the initial consultation, a patient may decide whether he or she wants a general or a micro-tissue tummy tuck. The type of surgery he or she gets depends on the amount of excess skin, fat, or muscle of the patient has to remove. A general tummy tuck involves the entire abdomen being cut and reshaped. Micro-tissue surgery, on the other hand, only involves removing small amounts of tissue from specific areas. If the patient has an excessive amount of skin to be removed, he or she may want to opt for a mini-abdominoplasty.

When general anesthesia is used, the patient can expect to be awake and alert 24 hours following the surgery. However, he or she will experience some degree of discomfort, as well as some shortness of breath. It is important that the doctor provide instructions for someone who wishes to drive following the operation, and that the person be thoroughly checked out several times by a doctor before driving.

Recovery from Abdominoplasty is relatively short, although some patients take anywhere between one to three days away from work and normal activities. This will depend on the doctor and the patient. In addition to the general anesthesia, the patient will also receive a topical anesthetic. Depending on which procedure he or she has, the doctor may use a local anesthetic as well, but it is important that you ask your surgeon if this is necessary.

Full recovery from Abdominoplasty usually takes approximately two weeks, after the first visit with the surgeon. Full healing typically occurs in the first month and typically does not continue beyond six months. During this period, you will experience mild to moderate pain and bruising, and some loose tissue. You will be instructed to keep the area clean and to apply creams to help with the swelling and pain. The plastic surgeon will place drains at the incision point, and during this time you will have an incision less appearance.

Scars from a tummy tuck will disappear, although they may remain for a few years. Scarring from a tummy tuck is minimal and usually blends in with the skin around the incision, as well as the muscles and skin of your abdominal area. Some patients choose to have a skin graft placed on the incision site to repair any areas that are damaged due to the surgery. If you choose to undergo an extended weight loss program after the operation, you may want to consider cosmetic surgery again at a later date.

A full recovery period can take anywhere from two to six months, depending on the extent of the operation and the degree of complications that arise. You will be instructed to avoid lifting anything during the first three days after the procedure, as well as any intense physical activity for the first day or so. Resting is advised for the first four to six weeks, and you may be given medication to aid the healing process. You may be told to stay away from physical activity for a period of time, and your physician will discuss whether you are a candidate for exercise therapy. Before you undertake such exercises, you should discuss them with your doctor to ensure that they are safe for your surgical area and will give you the best results.

How To Eliminate Stretch Marks With Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is also known as “tummy tuck”, and is a common cosmetic surgery technique used to help make the stomach less firm and thinner. The surgery involves the elimination of excess fat and skin from the upper and middle stomach so as to tighten both the muscle and connective tissue of the upper abdominal wall. In addition, the surgeon will also remove the skin in the navel region and the duodenum. The surgery will end up making the stomach a little longer and slimmer overall. There are two general types of abdominoplasty that can be performed; a low-impact form which minimally invasive and a higher-impact form using a more complicated procedure.

The first step in an abdominoplasty treatment is pre-anesthetic procedures such as a topical anesthesia to numb the abdomen. This will help prevent any nerves being damaged in the surgery and will also reduce bruising and swelling after the operation. A local anesthetic may also be applied to the skin of the abdomen for a short period of time, but this must be discontinued once the bruising has started to subside. The doctor will then give the patient a local anesthetic and begin the actual surgery.

Prior to surgery, the medical practitioner will discuss possible complications with the patient and prepare him for the procedure. These include possible side effects from local anesthetics, which can cause nausea and vomiting. Such side effects are usually temporary and will subside within a few hours. General anesthesia, which is used for all kinds of surgeries, causes more severe and long-lasting side effects. Therefore it is highly recommended that you consult with your doctor before opting for any such medication.

As previously mentioned, it is highly recommended that you should not undergo a Liposuction on your own without the supervision of a Medical Practitioner. Liposuction is often combined with other cosmetic surgery procedures such as a tummy tuck or facelift. There are risks involved when performing a Liposuction on your own, and you could develop infections if you neglect to follow the pre-operative and post-operative instructions of your surgeon. As such, you should always make sure that you consult a specialist in this field before undergoing any such procedure. Furthermore, you must never perform a Liposuction on your own if you are a diabetic as it could lead to complications.

As previously mentioned, a risk associated with a Liposuction includes excessive bleeding and excessive skin trauma. If such problems are ignored, they could lead to complications such as internal organ damage and even death. In such cases, the patient will require a large dose of general anaesthesia and will have to be hospitalized for a few days. For this reason, it is advisable that you seek the assistance of your family doctor or a surgeon with experience in performing a Liposuction to prevent such complications.

You are advised to avoid strenuous activities after the completion of your Abdominoplasty procedure until at least six weeks after the end of your treatment. This period will help you recover from your surgery. It is very important that you strictly monitor the progress of your healing process and do everything to prevent fluid buildup. Fluid build up is known to cause serious complications such as blood clots, which could lead to life-threatening situations. Therefore, you are strongly advised to seek advice from your doctor as soon as possible if you notice any signs of complications such as infection, bleeding, swelling or a lump.

After your Abdominoplasty surgery, you will require a minimum of six weeks of recovery time. During this period, you will be able to gradually return to your daily activities. You can resume doing your normal job on the seventh day after your surgery. However, you should not exercise for at least six weeks because it may cause the muscles under your skin to stretch further. It is also highly advisable to take plenty of rest to allow your body to recover fully.


You are strongly advised to consult your medical practitioner if you have experienced any prolonged symptoms after your surgery. These symptoms may indicate that your excess skin has been tightened by too much force during the surgical procedure. This may lead to severe complications including infection and scarring. Your medical practitioner will guide you in the best way to eliminate any complications.