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What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, sometimes called blepharoplasty or ophthalmic plastic surgery, is a form of cosmetic surgery. It is a form of corrective surgery. It involves modification of blepharoplasty for improving vision and correcting certain facial deformities. The term blepharoplasty comes from the Greek words blue (light) and phonos (smoke). The most common deformity in the eyes is the irregular shape of the eyes, which may be straight, wavy, droopy, or curved.

The most common blepharoplasty procedure is Blepharoplasty-General. In this procedure, excess skin is removed from the lower part of the upper eyelid and excess skin and muscle from the lower eyelid and temple are removed. A pocket is created in the lower eyelid to accept the excess skin and muscle. The resulting “blephar” is then stitched and the area tightened. This procedure corrects excessive droopy upper eyelids and improves peripheral vision.

Blepharoplasty-axillary. In this procedure, a thin scar is made on the upper eyelid with the help of general anesthesia. Surgeon cuts along the natural crease and sutures the incision. The result looks like a “C” shape with the scars in the upper eyelids. Blepharoplasty-Hillary is ideal for people who want to remove excess sagging skin and muscle from the upper part of their face.

Blepharoplasty can also be done for treating severe eye defects such as those that cause the eyes to droop. The surgery may be required for those who have crossed or droopy eyelids due to congenital causes or injury. For those who suffer from eye defects due to aging or excessive skin pigmentation, the surgery may be necessary to give them a more youthful appearance. The surgery may also be done to treat various vision problems.

Blepharoplasty can be done using general anesthesia. Before the surgery, you should let your plastic surgeon know of any eye problems, diseases or medications that you maybe taking. He will also check your eyes and other body parts for signs of infection or inflammation. General anesthesia is needed in some oculoplastic surgeries, such as those that form the oculoplastic rimming. Blepharoplasty requires a longer recovery period than most other ophthalmic procedures, as it requires incisions along the sides and top of your eyes. These incisions can be visible, but they will be covered up with white or translucent bandages after the surgery.

You can have this procedure done on either only one eye or both of your eyes. If you choose to get blepharoplasty on just one eye, then you should expect that the results will be less noticeable than if you had surgery on both eyes. This is because your eye muscle remains active during the removal of excess skin and fat, so the appearance of your eyes will not change much. However, if you opt to get blepharoplasty on both of your eyes, the results will be dramatic. You will notice that the lines and wrinkles on your eyes are smoothed out, the droopy eyelids disappear, and your doctor evens out the color of your eyes. The surgery can also eliminate the contribution of excessive fat, skin and muscle by making your eyes and your face look more evenly proportioned.

Blepharoplasty cannot correct all forms of eye conditions, such as closed-angle glaucoma, cataract and glaucoma, corneal thickening, eye ulcers, eyelid wrinkles, orbital sagging, raised eyelid creases and bags, rimless eyes, and skin irregularities in the area surrounding your eyes. In addition, certain medications may also make it impossible for you to undergo this procedure. For example, some anti-inflammatory medications will make it impossible for your doctor to perform eyelid surgery, because the inflammation will make it difficult to perform any surgical procedure. Your doctor should also not perform blepharoplasty on you if you are currently taking drugs including bromide, oral antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), tri-cyclic antidepressants, oral decongestants, or corticosteroids.

Many individuals choose to get blepharoplasty simply because they want to improve their appearance. The procedure is also ideal for those who are losing their upper eyelashes and have excess skin at the bottom and inner corners of their eyes. In addition, individuals with droopy eyelids benefit from this procedure because the extra skin helps to pull up the droopy eyelids. Many plastic surgeons will perform blepharoplasty alongside liposuction and other liposuction procedures, so that patients only need one surgical procedure instead of multiple. Furthermore, if you have an underlying medical condition that is causing your eyelids to droop, you should be sure to discuss this problem with your plastic surgeon.

What Are the Most Common Reasons for Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, also called blepharoplasty, is the cosmetic plastic surgery for correcting aesthetic deformities, abnormalities, and facial disfigurements of the upper eyelids; as well as for aesthetically modifying the eye area of your face. It is a highly successful surgery that produces outstanding results in patients with both complex and simple retinal detachment disorders. Although blepharoplasty might produce a certain amount of scarring, most of it is mild and easily heals over a period of time.

Your doctor will assess your case and do all the necessary analysis to come up with the best treatment plan for you. It is important for the doctor to decide which blepharoplasty procedures are appropriate for you depending on your eye condition, the degree of your appearance, as well as your budget. The following are some common eye conditions that can be corrected through this procedure:

Varicose Veins: This is an example of a vision disorder that can cause severe discomfort and a marked difference in your vision quality. It usually affects those who experience the symptoms mainly while sleeping, but can also appear at other times. This condition occurs when the muscle controlling the flow of blood to your eyelids weakens. When this happens, the valves within the veins do not open properly. As a result, the blood does not circulate to your eyelids, resulting to inflammation, pain, and loss of vision.

Droopy eyelids: Most people who experience excessive drooping of their eyelids opt for this cosmetic surgery. In fact, it is one of the most common surgeries performed in eyelid surgery. Through this procedure, the doctor removes excess skin and muscle tissue in order to improve the overall appearance of your eyes.

Peripheral vision correction: This is the process of removing excess skin and muscle tissue in order to improve your peripheral vision. This type of blepharoplasty usually enhances the natural curvature of your eyes, improves your peripheral vision, eliminates bags under your eyes, and decreases the wrinkles on your eyes. This is perfect for those who experience eye fatigue and eye strain due to excessive blinking, straining, rubbing, and rubbing of your eyes. Your ophthalmologist may suggest performing blepharoplasty if you notice these signs.

Age-Defiance: Eye aging is inevitable and it happens to everyone. However, this doesn’t mean that you should be unhappy with how you look. That’s why you should have the chance to have a youthful appearance. You can actually use cosmetic procedures to reverse the aging process in your eyes by addressing the issues associated with it. Blepharoplasty can do just that.

As we age, our eyes naturally sag. It is often seen as we get older since it is more evident when looking at nearby objects or when looking into a distance. This condition also affects the way our eyes focus and it results to poorly developed peripheral vision. A good cosmetic surgeon can address the issues associated with both conditions and effectively correct your vision. They can also address the sagging skin around your eyes.

Age-Defiance: Eye sagging can occur because of various factors, such as weakening of the eye’s muscles, loss of elasticity, and changes in the eyes as we age. As a result, your eyes may become thinner, droopy, and strained. When this happens, your eyes may no longer transfer light correctly. The result can be the loss of your peripheral vision. If you experience difficulty seeing clearly due to eye sagging, you may need to wear contact lenses in order to improve your vision.

Fatigue: Another common factor among women is fatigue. You may notice that your eyes become heavy and look worn out after some time. In order to remedy this, your doctor may recommend eyelid surgery, brow lift, or forehead lift. These procedures can all restore your appearance and give you a youthful appearance once again.

Incisions: Eyelid surgery and brow lift can both involve small incisions. However, if the skin on the area where your eyes are drooping is thick and therefore hard to reach, the doctor will make larger incisions. They can either use traditional cosmetic reasons like to reduce unsightly scars or to improve your vision.

Fatigue: Often women feel tired looking in the mirror. Aside from the fact that it is hard to sleep properly because your eyes are tired, there are also excess skin and fat deposits around the eyes. Your eyes may droop because of excess fat buildup and because the muscle tissues are weak and saggy. In addition, wrinkles may form because of too much excess skin and sagging muscles. If these factors are ignored, you may suffer from eyelid and brow lifts which can correct many of these issues.

Types of Cosmetic Eye Surgeries aka Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, or blepharoplasty sclerotherapy as it is also known is a plastic surgery procedure for improving folds, creases, wrinkles, and facial asymmetry. It is a very effective method for correcting various facial folds such as the nasolabial folds, forehead wrinkles, orbital folds, jowls, cheekbones, and the folds beneath the eyes. It can also be used to correct excessive skin folds. This treatment can be done both inside out.

In the blepharoplasty procedure, the surgeon may make an incision from corner to corner in the upper eyelid. The upper eyelid is then folded back by making a vertical cut from corner to corner. A laser is used to perform the surgery.

Two types of blepharoplasty are performed: the infraorbital and the infraspinatus. In the infraorbital blepharoplasty, the lower eyelids are folded forward toward the nose, so that the blepharoplasty laser can remove excess skin and fat. Surgeons can also use a laser beam to treat the periorbital area. In the infraspinatus blepharoplasty, a thin eyelid is made to shorten the folds in the upper eyelids. This procedure can also be done both inside and outside the nostril.

When performing any type of surgery, patients should always talk to their doctor about possible complications, surgical risks, postoperative recovery, as well as the expected results. Blepharoplasty patients should also be aware of cosmetic surgery risks such as scarring, edema, infection, and excessive bleeding. Before making a decision about which procedure is right for them, it is important to fully understand all of these risks. Some blepharoplasty procedures can be risky for some people, but the risks decrease if the doctor is able to reduce the amount of time and money spent on the procedure.

There are three main types of blepharoplasty that can be performed. These are the infraorbital, the infraspinatus, and the travestibular. An infraorbital blepharoplasty (IOL) involves removing excess skin and muscle from the inner ear. Because this is a sensitive area, most surgeons prefer to perform this Blepharoplasty under local anesthesia. Sometimes, however, local anesthesia is not enough and a general anesthesia is needed.

Blepharoplasty surgery may also be performed in the travestibular, or the middle ear. In this procedure, excess tissue and muscle are removed from the outer ear. The resulting scar from this Blepharoplasty will not be as prominent as a result of a tummy tuck and may not affect your vision problems as much. This type of Blepharoplasty is only done on children or young adults whose eyes may not be aligned as they should be.

If you have droopy eyelids, you might consider blepharoplasty. Eyelid surgery can correct droopy eyelids that make you look older. This procedure can also correct droopy eyebrows and other facial issues. Many times, blepharoplasty can correct wrinkles on the upper lip and chin. It cannot correct wrinkles on the lower eyelashes and sagging skin around the eyes.

If you have excess fat deposits in your neck or face, you might consider blepharoplasty. Laser or fat removal surgery can help you to remove excess fat deposits on your chin and neck. In order to remove fat deposits in these areas, the surgeon cuts along muscle lines and tightens the underlying muscle with stitches. Many people who have undergone this type of plastic surgery have found that their appearance improved significantly.

If you have excess skin in your upper arms or around your face, you might consider blepharoplasty. The surgeon cuts along muscle lines in order to remove excess fat from your arms or face. Sometimes this procedure is done to remove excess skin that results from a weight gain or skin cancer. Some patients who have undergone this surgery find that their skin looks tighter and their body shape looks more defined after this procedure. Many people who have lost a large amount of weight find that their sagging skin and wrinkles around the eyes improve considerably.

If you have eyelids that droop over both of your eyes, you might consider blepharoplasty. If your eyes droop over both of your eyes, you might find that your eyes look unnaturally heavy. In order to improve your appearance, this surgery can remove the excess skin that might weigh your eyes down. Other risks associated with blepharoplasty include the possibility of scarring around the eye area and a condition known as “crow’s feet” where the skin on your eyes begins to sag as you age.


No matter which kind of cosmetic eye surgery you undergo, it is important that you talk to a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in oculoplastic surgery. You should also find out as much as possible about the risks, side effects and complications associated with the procedure you are considering. When you have made the decision to undergo an eye surgery, it is important that you take the time it takes to carefully select a qualified, board certified plastic surgeon. It is also important that you thoroughly discuss the procedure with your family, friends and anyone else who may be able to help you.