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Breast Lift – A Guide to Preparing For Your Procedure

A breast lift (also sometimes referred to as a mastopexy) is a plastic surgery procedure that reshapes and lifts the breast of a woman. Breast lift or mastopexy is a cosmetic plastic surgical procedure that can be performed alone or in conjunction with augmentation or implantation of breast implants. During a breast lift, excess tissue is removed from beneath the areola, also known as the natural fold of skin that pours over the breast. The tissue removed in a breast lift may include fat, skin, or muscle. It also may not include nipple creases that result from natural aging or childbirth.

Sometimes the breast fold may not need to be surgically corrected. This is more common in women who, because of their body shape or position, have naturally large or hanging breasts. In such women, a lift might lift the nipple too high causing distortion and discomfort. Conversely, in women with smaller breasts who desire a correction in the position of their breasts, a lift can be effective. It is also used frequently after mastectomy.

There are several factors that must be considered before having a breast lift. You should meet personally with your cosmetic doctor to discuss your goals and expectations. Your doctor will be able to determine if your goals are realistic and achievable, and if you are physically healthy and able to make travel arrangements. Your doctor will also be able to tell you whether or not you are a good candidate for this procedure, based on your age, medical history, health status, and the results of previous procedures.

A board-certified plastic surgeon is the person you will be working with during the procedure. Your doctor will help you understand the risks and complications of breast lift. You may be given an injection or anesthesia. In extreme cases, stitches may be required. Your doctor will explain the procedure fully before starting your therapy and will share with you the results of any ultrasound images taken during your surgery.

Before and After a Breast Lift The results of breast lift vary depending on the techniques used and the overall health of you patient. Sometimes patients notice an immediate improvement, but other times they don’t improve. If you notice bruising, discoloration, unevenness or other changes in the skin during your post-operative visit, call your doctor immediately. He or she can recommend a course of treatment for healing. Be sure to ask about the success rates of different techniques for improving your appearance following a breast lift. If you are among the many women who have benefited from this procedure, your doctor will share with you the best way to care for yourself after your procedure.

Women with a loose skin may choose to have the procedure done along with a tummy tuck at the same time. You will then have the choice of having a single procedure, or two if you feel comfortable with it. If you choose a double mastopexy, you may be asked to wear a surgical support bra for several weeks after the procedure. During this time, you may experience some swelling and tenderness around your chest area. This is normal and will subside as your body begins to adjust to your new appearance.

Once you have been discharged from the hospital, you will need to keep yourself in good physical condition. Immediately contact your doctor to schedule a follow up appointment. You may be advised to take over the counter pain medications such as Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin, in order to minimize swelling and the associated discomfort. If these medications aren’t enough to control your symptoms, you may need to visit an emergency room or seek emergency medical care yourself.

Follow your doctor’s advice regarding exercise and weight loss, as these can both have positive effects on the healing process of your procedure. In addition, it is important to make sure that you have had no previous surgeries or negative reactions to anesthesia before having a breast lift. Your doctor will let you know if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure, but it may be wise to consider at least reducing your daily caloric intake and taking a multivitamin supplement to promote good health overall.

Breast Lift Surgery

Breast Lift (also known as mastopexy) is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure aimed at lifting and realigning sagging breasts on a woman’s chest, by gently altering and enhancing the size, shape, and position of their breasts. It is also commonly called the breast augmentation procedure. During this procedure, a plastic surgeon will lift and firm the skin of a woman’s breasts, making them larger in size and shape. The underlying cause of sagging breasts may be excessive weight loss or pregnancy, cosmetic scarring, poor posture, excessive skin loosening, or inadequate body muscle strength. This operation may also be recommended if a woman has large, droopy breasts that she cannot refashion into a position that is pleasing to her.

Before a breast lift can be performed, a patient usually needs to be in good health and have a realistic expectation of how her new look will look. Sagging breasts may result from chemotherapy, radiation, or lymphoma treatments. Most surgeons will not perform a breast lift if they believe that such treatments are likely to leave noticeable scars. If you choose to have a breast lift, you should ask your surgeon about whether you may choose to remove your old bra and replace it with a newer style. Some surgeons offer a reduction technique in which the inner pectoral muscles are tightened and the upper breast reduced, producing firmer, perkier breasts.

Your skin elasticity and firmness can be improved by your plastic surgeon during the breast lift. After your operation, you will experience some soreness, swelling and redness. Some women experience only mild soreness while others have severe reactions that include fever and chills. Although your skin may become slightly loose or saggy in the weeks and months following your surgery, this temporary discomfort generally goes away as your body heals and your breasts to regain their original shape and firmness.

Following your pregnancy, the breast lift will likely take place in the third trimester (from 24 through 48 weeks after conception) or the fourth trimester (from 48 through 72 weeks after conception). You and your surgeon will decide when your breasts begin to restore their shape and firmness to their pre-pregnancy form. For some women, a third trimester procedure is sufficient. For others, additional procedures may be recommended. If you experience sagging or drooping in your breasts after delivery, additional procedures may be recommended.

Before scheduling your breast lift, you and your plastic surgeon will meet face-to-face to discuss your expectations and potential complications associated with the procedure. Your doctor will evaluate your goals and expectations, as well as the associated risks and complications. Your plastic surgeon will also discuss how the procedure will occur, the recovery process, including the expected length of time you will be home recovering from your procedure. Before scheduling your procedure, you and your doctor will also discuss your medical history, your mental health, and any medications you are currently taking.

The most common complications following a breast lift are delayed wound healing, skin irritation, temporary drooping of the nipples, nipple numbness, and nipple inflammation. Sudden, undesired weight fluctuations can also lead to nipple numbness. In many cases, the only symptom is extreme soreness. You and your plastic surgeon will determine the most appropriate remedy for these symptoms based on your individual circumstances. You will also be given specific instructions for post-surgical care, such as wearing special compression garments to reduce swelling.

After a breast lift, most women find that their scars are very minimal and usually fade fairly quickly. If you notice excessive scarring, however, you may want to get older before having the procedure. Scarring associated with mastectomy is less likely to fade than that from lumpectomy, but the wound may be smaller, more sensitive, or more easily irritated. You and your plastic surgeon will discuss which type of scar you will have and how it will best respond to your body’s own healing process. Scarring from a breast lift generally takes six months to a year to resolve; unfortunately, it never completely goes away completely, but you will not get older with a breast lift, either.

After your doctor reviews the results of your breast lift and makes an informed decision about whether to perform the procedure on you or not, you will receive written instructions for post-surgical care. The instructions will outline what to do to care for yourself in between the procedure and six months afterward. Your doctor might ask you to visit a nutritionist or other expert in order to ensure proper nutrition after the procedure. Your doctor might also ask you to stop taking certain medications or to refrain from participating in any cosmetic procedures, such as tattooing, until six months after the procedure.

Breast Lift After Pregnancy

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that reshapes and uplifts the bosom. In general, mastopexies are performed on women who have started to lose their breast tissue as they age. Breasts lose their volume and firmness as a woman grows older, usually reaching a stage where they are no longer able to fill out a bra properly. A mastopexy procedure can be done to restore this lost breast volume and shape. If you are considering a breast lift, it is important to understand the procedure before you get started so that you make an informed decision about whether it is right for you. Keep in mind that there are several different types of breast lifts available, including the traditional mastopexy and the more modern balloon-like mastopexies.

During your pregnancy you will most likely put on weight, which can cause the sagging that occurs during your menopause. A pregnancy and weight gain will also have an effect on your breasts, causing them to become smaller, wrinkled, saggy, or just plain big! If you want to avoid these problems, then a breast lift might be a good solution to your problem. Mastopexies can also be used to correct the sagging caused by pregnancy weight gain.

One way to help solve the problem of breasts sag is to make sure that your areolae are correctly aligned. There are 2 main techniques for doing this, which are called the closed and open styles of mastopexies. The closed style has no extra skin or excess tissue that can be removed; the open style uses additional skin and tissue that are removed from the breasts sag.

If you decide to have a breast lift, then you will probably be offered several options for the procedure. Your surgeon will be able to tell you which one he feels is best for your case. Some patients request just a simple incision and tightening of the skin. Others may decide to have deeper incisions with more removal of tissue and skin. If tissue removal is desired, then the patient may decide to have lymph node removal or other lymphatic drainage as well. If your breasts sag as a result of your weight gain, then a mini mastopexy will probably be sufficient to correct the problem.

In order for a breast lift to be a successful, you will also be given some anesthesia and some antibiotics before the procedure. This helps to minimize infection and inflammation after surgery. The scars from a breast lift will generally fade over time but some scarring may remain. If your nipple is at risk for scarring, then you will be given a dose of collagen just before the procedure to help with the scarring. You may decide to have a breast lift procedure alone, in which case there will be no skin or fat removal, or you may choose to have a combined mastopexy and nipple lift.

Your breasts may sag over time due to age, pregnancy, smoking, and weight loss. If you are considering a breast lift procedure to get rid of sagging, then you will first schedule an evaluation with a board certified plastic surgeon. During your evaluation, the plastic surgeon will be able to tell you whether the procedure is right for you based on your situation and your expectations. He will also be able to tell you the results you can expect from a breast lift.

Plastic surgeons in America are highly trained in all aspects of plastic surgery. Because this type of surgery is considered elective by the American society, it can be risky for some patients. For example, when you have a poor placement or size, the results could be unsatisfactory. Also, if the procedure is done incorrectly, the patient may suffer from side effects such as infections or scarring. All of these risks are extremely rare and should not stop you from getting the surgery.

Breast Lift

If you have elected to have a breast lift after pregnancy, you will need to be very careful with the way you take care of your breasts after the surgery is performed. Remember that breast-feeding is the best way to restore your breasts to their previous shape and size. You should never make false promises about breast-feeding after surgery. It will only lead to complications. Your plastic surgeons and your family should always keep you updated on the progress of your healing and recovery.