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Browplasty – What You Need to Know

A browplasty, or browlift, is a plastic surgery procedure typically used to lift a droopy eyebrow that can either obstruct normal vision, or to eliminate the deep facial lines that run along the forehead. Droopy eyebrows are often caused by genetics, aging, or even habitual squinting, all of which contribute to the droopy look. Other causes of an excessive droopy eyebrow or an improperly lifted eyebrow can be the result of fat deposits under the skin, excess tension in the facial muscles, or even a combination of any of these factors. No matter what the cause of your eyebrows, a browplasty can effectively lift them so that they look fuller and less crooked. This cosmetic procedure can even help individuals with sagging eyebrows and crow’s feet, eliminating the signs of aging.

The most common procedure for a browplasty is called the levator aponeurosis. This procedure involves gently pulling the skin around the eye down and then folding it over the eye itself, sealing it in place. The resulting eye lift creates a lighter, straighter look around the eye, making the upper lid more prominent and the bottom lid more balanced. If you desire a less drastic effect, you might prefer to have the eyelid lift done separately from the browplasty.

Your doctor will determine which eyelid and eyebrow areas will require a browplasty. In general, this area is between your eyes and above your eye-ridges. Most patients choose to have the upper eyelid and base of the nose done separately, while those with very droopy eyebrows choose to have both procedures done at the same time. Your cosmetic surgeon will give you details about each option and discuss which one is best for you.

Once your eyelids and the skin around them are surgically removed, your forehead and lips will no longer be hidden by folds of sagging skin. You will also have a wider range of facial expressions to choose from. The process will eliminate excess skin, which will result in a smoother appearance overall. The muscles underneath the skin that help you smile, frown, and smile will also be tightened, resulting in a younger and more radiant smile.

A browplasty may involve the removal of excess skin, muscles, and ligaments below the skin surface. The upper part of your eyebrow may be raised, which will make your eyes appear wider. This gives a younger, wider face. The upper part of your eyelid might be repositioned to give a smaller, less pointed look. This change may be particularly helpful if you have heavy bangs or if they make your upper eyelid look lower than it should. Your cosmetic surgeon will discuss these options with you.

In many cases, your lip will need to be reshaped as well. If you have wide, prominent cheeks, your lip might be too narrow and your cheeks may need to be reshaped to provide balance. The procedure is often performed along with an eyelid lift.

A browplasty is performed under general anesthesia in order to reduce the risks of complications. A plastic surgeon will numb the area where the procedure will take place, and he will apply eyelid strips to keep your eyes open during the procedure. He will use his surgical expertise to make tiny incisions to take out the skin fold and muscle tissue. The plastic surgeon then seals the incisions with stitches. The whole procedure usually takes around two hours.

After a browplasty is performed, you will have a new, younger appearance. Your eyebrows will not stick out as they once did, nor will your lips. You will look better rested and refreshed. You may even find that people will begin to comment on your new appearance. Many people who have undergone browplasty find that their new confident personality has improved. If you have had this procedure done before, you may want to consider it again in the future.

What You Need To Know About Browplasty (Facial Hair Transplant)

A forehead lift, sometimes called a browplasty or browlift is usually a minimally invasive cosmetic surgical procedure used to lift a droopy eyebrow that can either obstruct normal vision or to eliminate the deep horizontal lines which run along the forehead. The most common use of a browlift is to lift the eyebrows so that they are more level with the eye line. Many patients who have undergone this procedure have found it to be highly effective in helping them overcome their lines and wrinkles around the forehead area.

Patients who choose to have the procedure performed by a skilled plastic surgeon will normally have to deal with some temporary side effects such as swelling, bruising and an odd sensation of having someone’s head pressed against the side of their face. However, these side effects generally subside within a few weeks. It may also be necessary to use cold compresses to relieve any discomfort. Since the browlift is considered a minor surgery, most patients find that they can go back to work the day after the procedure. They may even resume their usual activities the next day.

The underlying cause of many forehead lines and wrinkles is sagging skin, which is caused by an unhealthy aging process. The natural elasticity of your skin can deteriorate with age, which means that you can begin to see forehead creases even at the youngest ages. The natural elasticity of your skin can also be affected by the many chemicals, such as preservatives and fragrances, that we put on our face every day. These chemicals can dry out the skin, which can lead to the development of wrinkles, and eventually to a forehead that look older than it actually is.

The browplasty procedure is designed to lift the eyebrow in such a way that it will appear less droopy. This procedure is most commonly done for both the eyebrows and the eyelid region. In the case of the eyebrow, the upper part of the upper eyelids may need to be repositioned to align properly with the lower part of the face. This is known as the levator aponeurosis.

The eyelid blepharoplasty is a procedure in which the upper part of the eyelid, including the muscle, the fat, and the skin that cover it, will be elevated. The surgeon will use the levator muscle as well as the trabecular network to lift and push the eyebrow so that it will appear to be higher. Many times, an underlying cause of droopy forehead is also present, which requires that this operation is done. When this is the case, the surgeon may use an eyelid lifter to reposition the upper eyelids. Sometimes a combination of these procedures will be required.

This type of cosmetic procedure is generally performed under general anesthesia. There are risks associated with this procedure, including an allergic reaction to anesthesia, a dislocated eyelid or a “caved-in” face. Some swelling and bruising may occur after the operation, but these usually subside within a few hours. If you smoke, you may want to stop smoking before your procedure to minimize the risks associated with the surgery. Many times, you may have to wear a concealer to hide any visible scarring.

It is important to discuss everything possible about this procedure with your plastic surgeon before you agree to have the procedure done. He or she will help you evaluate all the possible outcomes and risks involved. You will also need to determine whether you have any realistic expectations about the outcome of this procedure and what you can expect as a result of it.

It is not uncommon for people to go on to have browplasty to correct the signs of aging. It is an excellent procedure for both aesthetic and functional change. However, you should always consider the quality of the surgeon you choose for the procedure. You should choose a surgeon who is board certified and has at least five years of experience in browplasty. You should choose a surgeon who uses the same techniques he or she uses for all of their other patients.

Browplasty – A Guide to Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

A browlift, or browplasty, which is also referred to as a brow lift or forehead lift, is a cosmetic plastic surgery technique designed to lift a droopy forehead that can either obstruct vision and/ or contribute to the formation of deep lines. Drooping eyebrows are usually caused by the natural aging process, but some people just have them, and for good reason. Poor positioning of the eyes or excessive fat deposits around the eye area can also result in sagging eyebrows. In many cases, these conditions can be addressed with filler injections in the area, but for the most part, a browlift is an effective solution.

Before undergoing the procedure, the patient must meet a certain set of standards, which will be outlined in detail during the consultation. First, the patient must be in good overall health. Any underlying medical conditions will need to be addressed as well, such as diabetes, heart conditions, and any other problems that might compromise the patient’s health while undergoing forehead lifting. Prior to the procedure itself, the patient will also be evaluated to determine if they are a candidate, and what skin type they possess. There are three different types of skin that can be considered for this operation: sensitive, oily, and normal.

Once the patient is healthy, a consultation will then take place with a plastic surgeon to discuss the options that are available to address the specific problem. During this time, the physician will take measurements of the patient’s forehead and eyelids. These measurements will determine the best place for the surgeon to perform the procedure. A compression device will be applied to the skin to help lift the eyebrow, and once it has been reduced to the desired level, the skin will be stitched back together. The patient will experience mild to moderate pain during the procedure, and there may be bruising and swelling around the area of the procedure as well.

When seeking browplasty services, you will find that there are many cosmetic surgeons who offer this service nationwide. It is important that you select an experienced surgeon who has been performing this procedure on a regular basis. Your health should be the first concern when considering this procedure, and your expectations should be realistic. Make sure that you fully understand the benefits and risks associated with any cosmetic surgery before you agree to have it done. Your plastic surgeon should go over all of your options before making any final decisions.

The procedure does not take much time to perform. In fact, the entire process can be completed in as little as half an hour. When the surgeon removes excess fat from the upper eyelid and brow areas, he or she will then reshape the lower part of the eyelid, as well as the area below the eyelid. This is known as the infra-globular.

You may experience some swelling or tenderness after the procedure is performed. It will usually improve with time, but in some cases, you may not. This is usually temporary. Some people find that they need to use special eye drops to help minimize the appearance of their eyebrows. In the rare case that this does not help, the surgeon may suggest that you use eye drops for two to four weeks after the brow lifting procedure.

You will need to recover from browplasty fairly quickly. Most people are able to return to work and resume all normal activities within a week of the procedure. However, it may take up to six months for the skin on the area to completely heal.


There are several different factors that will influence the outcome of browplasty. These factors include the size of your eyes, the position of your eyebrows, the amount of fat you have removed, your skin tone and the strength of your jaw. If you follow your surgeon’s recommendation and make sure to keep your jaw strong, you should see excellent results. If you suffer from excessive skin or fat loss, you may still achieve good results. Your surgeon will be able to give you more detailed information about your potential results.