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What is Buccal Fat Extraction?

Buccal Fat Extraction, or buccal fat transfer, is a cosmetic plastic surgery technique for reducing facial prominence, by the selective elimination of buccal fat from the surplus skin. The recovery time is usually short and there may be minimal scarring. However, buccal fat transfer is not suitable for all facial areas such as the chin, lips and forehead as this fat tends to accumulate around these areas. If you have large amounts of buccal fat in your face then buccal fat extraction might be an inappropriate choice for you should consult with a board certified plastic surgeon who is capable of conducting this type of cosmetic plastic surgery.

There are several types of cosmetic plastic surgeries performed under general anesthesia for purposes of buccal fat removal. One of the most popular techniques is referred to as the baby fat transfer which involves the removal of fat from your thighs and/or buttocks in order to reduce facial prominence for a rounder or tighter facial look. Your cosmetic surgeon will assess the amount of extra fat that you have on your body and recommend a specific solution to meet your needs. The following are some common solutions used for baby fat removal by cosmetic surgeons:

  • Genioplasty: genioplasty involves the removal of fat from specific areas of the face. Genioplasty is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately two hours to perform. During your procedure with your cosmetic surgeon will make an incision along the lines of your jaw line. After the buccal fat removal and any other procedures that are required are completed your surgeon will reattach the skin to its natural position.
  • Face Lift: a face lift is another option. In a face lift, excess facial skin is removed and the underlying muscle, ligaments and tendons are tightening to give you a younger appearance. Your surgeon will use the Free Cell Exchange technique during your treatment. This technique allows your skin to replace the tissue that has been removed with your own body cells.
  • Subcision: a submission is often recommended for people suffering from buccal hyperhidrosis. This procedure involves the removal of the buccal bulb, the sympathetic nerve, the facial nerve, and the hyoid bone. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and can take anywhere from one to three hours. Your skin will be red, swollen and irritated after the procedure, but this should dissipate within a couple days.
  • Striping: a strip procedure is performed under general anesthesia. A small hollow needle is inserted into the buckle sac and the excess skin is removed. The skin is then placed on the surface of the face and under the eyes. A temporary dressing will need to be applied before the final treatment is administered. The procedure usually takes between one to two hours and requires three to four sittings.

Your buccal lipectomy will leave your face looking younger, thinner, and more contoured. It also will decrease facial fat by approximately one-third. The cost of this treatment can be upwards of three thousand dollars. Talk to your doctor to determine if you are a good candidate.

Buccal Fat Extraction offers a quick and effective treatment to eliminate excess facial and neck buccal secretions. This simple procedure makes your skin appear younger and beautiful. Your doctor will be able to determine if this is the right treatment option for you.

Your doctor will discuss with you all of the risks and benefits involved in this form of facial surgery. Your treatment will begin with a consultation in which you will be given an evaluation. The evaluation will determine if Buccal Fat Extraction is the best treatment option. If it is then your treatment will begin. During the procedure a small hollow needle will be placed under the buccal area.

The needle is then used to extract and remove the excess fat. An incision is made and the skin is pulled away from the buccal cavity. New, shaped sutures are then used to hold the skin in place and to keep it from moving or tearing. This process will take between fifteen to twenty minutes. During this time a plastic bag will need to be taped over the incision. This bag will be used to control the amount of bleeding that occurs during the treatment.

The entire procedure can be performed under local anesthesia. The surgery is considered minor by most. However, if you have any pre-existing skin conditions it is best to talk to your doctor before undergoing the procedure. If you do not follow the pre-surgical instructions then you may end up with additional surgery or skin damage that you do not need. The entire process usually takes less than one hour, although it can go longer than this.

Buccal Fat Extraction: Three Different Procedures To Consider

Buccal Fat Extraction, also called buccal fat transfer, is a cosmetic plastic surgery technique for eliminating prominent facial cheeks, usually by the selective elimination of buccal fat tissue from localized fat pockets on the face. Its popularity stems from its success in reducing the prominence of ‘ice-pick’ wrinkles, making the cheeks more balanced and less droopy. The technique has been extremely successful for people who had sagging cheeks as children and remained with facial characteristics reflecting the condition into adulthood. Other contributing factors include genetic predisposition and external environments such as sun exposure. Buccal Fat Extraction is also very effective in treating enlarged faces that are too long in proportion to the cheek size and in removing cheeks that have been affected by excessive fat deposition.

One major advantage of this technique compared with incision liposuction is that it does not require removal of underlying fat. The buccal fat transfer can be achieved without leaving incisions; therefore there is no need for large incisions, which can be more painful and difficult to heal post-procedure. This also means less scarring after recovery. Although the baby fat transfer is effective for treating larger areas of the face than liposuction alone, if more significant facial benefits are desired then both liposuction and the baby fat extraction should be combined for maximum benefits.

There are several different types of Buccal Fat Extraction available, each tailored to the particular patient and the specific problem being addressed. The first option, and probably the most frequently used, is a buccal fat extraction using laser technology. This is done by placing a light against the buccal fat that is to be removed. The laser melts the buccal fat away, as the light passes through the skin. This process is minimally invasive and quick, and is often performed under local anaesthetic. The recovery period is short and the results are impressive.

A second option is buccal liposuction, using a slightly more invasive technique called Vaser Liposelection. The instrument used is actually a laser. Instead of melting the buccal fats away with the laser, it selectively targets them with energy. As a result, very little fat is removed, and the procedure takes a relatively short period of time.

Another option is buccal suction lipectomy. When performed on the upper arm, the surgeon will remove excess fat from the creases in this part of the arm, as well as the innermost corner of the mouth. The buccal suction lipectomy is performed under local anesthetic and is minimally invasive and quick. This is also a popular choice for patients who have not responded well to previous liposuction treatments.

Lastly, another option is buccal fat transfer. When performed on the face, this technique uses saline solutions to plump up the facial muscles and give it a more youthful appearance. Once done, the buccal liposuction excess fat is then transferred to the areas of the face that need it. This is a much less painful procedure than some other alternatives, but some patients may still report some discomfort and swelling. It does, however, leave behind much more youthful looking skin than any other technique.

All in all, it seems that there are a lot of benefits associated with both traditional liposuction techniques, including buccal liposuction. Many patients report excellent results, but others prefer one of these other procedures. Each person’s body responds differently to these treatments, which is why each individual’s experience is different. When deciding upon the best method of liposuction for you, it’s important to consider your own risks, how often you plan to undergo treatment, and what your expectations are.

For those patients considering this type of cosmetic surgery, it’s important to speak with your physician about your goals and any health issues that may be associated with your particular procedure. They can offer you the guidance you need to make an informed decision and give you the information you need to prepare for your surgery. Remember, your safety should always be the first and most important priority when considering any type of cosmetic procedure. Talk to Buccal Fat Extraction doctors today and get the information you need to make the right decision. Call a cosmetic surgeon today.

Buccal Fat Extraction

Buccal Fat Extraction or buccal fat reduction is a cosmetic plastic surgery technique for the removal of prominent facial cheeks, typically by the selective elimination of buccal fat-fat tissue within the fat pad. This technique is used to reduce the prominence of facial wrinkles, while removing stubborn fat deposits that can not be eliminated through diet and exercise alone. The buccal fat extractions performed in plastic surgeons’ offices are performed with small incisions. The tiny incisions allow for a more thorough surgery that leaves behind less visible scars than liposuction techniques.

Liposuction requires large suction devices to suck fat from under the skin. Buccal Fat Extraction utilizes a miniature, lightweight cannula to carry out this operation, and small incisions in the mouth region allow for the selective removal of buccal fat. There is minimal post-operative swelling or infection in most patients. Most patients have to return to work and within two weeks are usually back to their normal eating habits. Liposuction can produce significant, long-lasting changes in facial appearance however; it is not appropriate for the majority of buccal pharyngeal liposuction procedures.

Buccal Fat Extraction is an advanced cosmetic plastic surgery technique that has revolutionized the way buccal fat is removed. With the use of advanced instruments the buccal fat is extracted with a laser at a lower depth than traditional liposuction methods, and with fewer side effects. Laser facial liposuction is used to treat buccal pharyngeal liposuction for both the upper and lower liposuction areas. In addition, the laser treatment is beneficial in treating buccal fat in conjunction with other facial liposuction techniques.

The laser is applied directly to the fatty layers of the skin through a special laser wand. The laser is targeted specifically at the fat, breaking it into simple, melted pieces which then are suctioned out of the treated area with a specially designed tubing. The laser treatment is painless and leaves no visible scar tissue. As a result, patients rarely require more than one treatment with this procedure, and the cost is significantly less than other types of liposuction.

Many different types of liposuction exist. In general, they all remove excess fat from the body by applying gentle ultrasonic or laser energy to the targeted area. Different tools and techniques are used to achieve the results desired. Buccal Fat Extraction is one tool used in buccal pharyngeal liposuction. It is specifically designed to make small pockets in the fatty tissue which can then be suctioned out without causing any damage.

Many people have used this technique successfully, but it is not suitable for everyone. People with extensive facial or neck fat are usually not eligible for buccal pharyngeal liposuction. Also, smokers are not good candidates either because smoking makes the procedure more difficult. Also, people with severe obesity may be unable to get rid of it through this method, and should consult their physician before undergoing this treatment. However, if these criteria are not met, then other options should be considered. This procedure might still be an option if your doctor feels that other methods of liposuction are not appropriate.

Part of the reason that this treatment can be successful is that the fat is removed without affecting the surrounding tissue. This means that the fat will not return, making the procedure safer than other invasive procedures. There is also little or no post-operative swelling or infection after the procedure. Recovery time is very short, and patients often resume normal activities within one day of the surgery. The cost of Buccal Fat Extraction depends on how much fat needs to be removed, as well as other factors.

Buccal Fat Extraction

As with any surgery, there can be some risks associated with buccal pharyngeal liposuction. In rare cases, the incision could become irritated and become painful. Other risks include problems obtaining or swallowing food, having difficulty breathing, or bleeding. Rare side effects include seizures, heart palpitations, nausea, and swelling.